High pressure grout mixer pump units
The combination of the colloidal grout mixer , grout agitator with a grout pump will form the grout mixer pump units. The grouting unit is a very versatile and efficient type of equipment. Grout mixer pump is well designed to firmly press cement mixture into any grounds or structure that needs repair or construction. You can use a grout mixer and pump whenever you need to save yourself some time and money. This is because the grout mixer and pump can complete the job quickly and efficiently. Grout mixer pump flow and pressure are designed based on the projects request. Mixer and agitator capacity are designed to match the pump flow. Variety of grout pumps including piston, plunger and progressing cavity (screw type) equipment. Variety of power options including electric / hydraulic and diesel / hydraulic. Besides, these grout stations are easy to be transported and compact, making it highly efficient and easily maintained. The ...