

Colloidal mixing grout plants for microtunneling

    The grouting injection technology will improve the soil strength and the modulus of deformation. It will decrease the soil permeability, improve the anti- permeability. This is widely used during the microtunneling and tunneling projects. During the grouting projects, colloidal grout mixers & pumps are the necessary equipment.     The basic theory grouting is that the grout should be slowly injected and penetrated into the voids to replace the fluids in the formation voids without disturbing the skeleton of the soil. The results of such procedure is to improve waterlightness, deformability and strength of the natural soils. Using the grouting and injection technique, the homogeneous and continuous improvement effect of the solidified soil will be improved. So the foundation will be much steady.     Colloidal grout mixer & pump including a colloidal grout mixer, grout agitator and a grout pump. Mixer agitator and pump all on one base...