
stainless steel grout station for tunnel grouting work to Singapore

    Gaodetec stainless steel grout station GGP800/1200/200PI-D was used for tunnel grouting work In Singapore Metro project.     For the GGP800/1200/200PI-D diesel engine drive high output stainless steel grout station, it with 800L high shear high speed grout mixer volume, agitator volume is 1200L, grout pressure is 0-50Bar, grout flow is 0-200L/min, the mixer is one vortex mixer could make sure mix cement slurry evenly and more quickly, also made in stainless steel materrial.     The GGP800/1200/200PI-D diesel engine drive high output stainless steel grout station with following features:     Power source is 55KW air cooling diesel engine, air cooling technology, very suitable for field construction;     The Pump pressure is 0-50 Bar. pump output is 0-200L/min. both could be adjustable step-less.     Double-cylinder and single-acting grouting pump to ensure grouting continuous and no kicks.     quickly convenient cleaning valve chamber;     Grouting pump outl

Customize Grout Mixer Pump Was Send to Philippines for Mine Grouting Work

    Gaodetec customize grout mixer pump was send to Philippines for Mine Grouting Work.      For the GGP250/350/100PI-D diesel engine drive grout mixer pump , It with 250L high shear high speed grout mixer volume, agitator volume is 350L, grout pressure is 0-100Bar, grout flow is 0-100L/min, the mixer is one vortex mixer could make sure mix cement slurry evenly and more quickly.     Philippines client told us, because will use the machine for Mine grouting work, work site very small and narrow, and use the mounted cement truck to put slurry to the mixer tank, electric not convenient at work site, So we made following change according to clients detailed demands: 1 make the grout mixer pump into 2 units: one part is grout mixer and pump, another is the diesel engine and hydraulic system; 2 we make one hopper to connect the truck mounted mixer and grout mixer, to ensure the cement slurry could be put into the mixer tank directly. 3 make the machine was driven by diesel en

Grouting mixer pump for building grouting

    The grouting mixer pump were made by GAODE Equipment were widely used for mixing and grouting cement slurry when build high building.     The grout mixer pump was one high shear grout mixer, agitator, grout pump all-in-one,     Gaodetec has many types grout mixer pump were used for building grouting.     The most popular is GGP300/300/75PI-E , the high shear grout mixer volume is 300L, agitator volume is 300L, there are two stages for pressure, that’s low pressure and high pressure, when at low pressure stage, the pressure is 0-50 bar, grout flow is 0-75L/min, when at high pressure stage, the pressure is 0-100 bar, flow is 0-38L/min.     The grout mixer pump for mixing and pumping cement slurry has following advantages:     Continuous output with small pulse or kicks or jerks     Grouting pressure and flow both could be adjust step-less.     High speed vortex mixers ensure mixing evenly and quickly.     Grout mixer and agitator switch by using squeeze handle

Colloidal mixing grout plants for microtunneling

    The grouting injection technology will improve the soil strength and the modulus of deformation. It will decrease the soil permeability, improve the anti- permeability. This is widely used during the microtunneling and tunneling projects. During the grouting projects, colloidal grout mixers & pumps are the necessary equipment.     The basic theory grouting is that the grout should be slowly injected and penetrated into the voids to replace the fluids in the formation voids without disturbing the skeleton of the soil. The results of such procedure is to improve waterlightness, deformability and strength of the natural soils. Using the grouting and injection technique, the homogeneous and continuous improvement effect of the solidified soil will be improved. So the foundation will be much steady.     Colloidal grout mixer & pump including a colloidal grout mixer, grout agitator and a grout pump. Mixer agitator and pump all on one based frame, it could result a

Grout injection plant for Dam

  Grout injection plant is a combination of grout mixer, grout agitator, grout pump and the hydraulic power pack system. Lead Equipment designs, constructs and produce the cost-effective build grouting solutions for the construction sector. Grout injection plant are widely used in following project:   Grouting for dam: usually we use curtains grout method.   Ground improvement, usually the projects are done by compaction grouting method   Soil stabilization projects, such as with sheet piling, excavations in water-bearing soils etc.   Curtain grouting of rock fissures and voids in underground tunnels.   Grouting can extend the life of existing structures that have experienced severe degradation due to scour or freeze/thaw damage. Usually for dam grouting projects, cement, microfine cement, fly ash and admixes will be used. Dam grouting can be performed from the bottom up, we call this upstage grouting, or from the top down, we call this downstage grouting. Before doi

High pressure grout mixer pump units

    The combination of the colloidal grout mixer, grout agitator with a grout pump will form the grout mixer pump units. The grouting unit is a very versatile and efficient type of equipment. Grout mixer pump is well designed to firmly press cement mixture into any grounds or structure that needs repair or construction. You can use a grout mixer and pump whenever you need to save yourself some time and money. This is because the grout mixer and pump can complete the job quickly and efficiently.     Grout mixer pump flow and pressure are designed based on the projects request. Mixer and agitator capacity are designed to match the pump flow. Variety of grout pumps including piston, plunger and progressing cavity (screw type) equipment. Variety of power options including electric / hydraulic and diesel / hydraulic. Besides, these grout stations are easy to be transported and compact, making it highly efficient and easily maintained.     The grouting mixture should always be