Colloidal grout plant for sale

Zhengzhou Lead Equipment Co., Ltd. (short as LEC) designs and manufactures different types of grout plant. The combination of the colloidal grout mixer with a grout pump into a self-contained grouting unit, makes a very versatile and efficient piece of equipment- colloidal grout plant.

Each grout plant and station incorporates mixers and pumps of matched capacity which together with an agitated storage tank enable virtually continuous operation once work has commenced. Compact size and it is easy to operate. It also takes up a small space.

LGP400/700/80PL-E grout station is the machine we made for Herrenknecht. It is mainly used in highway, railway, hydropower, construction, mining and other ground and underground construction. High speed vortex mixer ensures mix quickly and evenly. Water, cement and other media are quickly mixed into a homogeneous slurry. Then the mixed slurry was delivered to the agitator. Grout pump injects from the mixing drum (storage tank). This ensures a continuous mixing and grouting operations.

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