High quality grout mixing and pumping equipment sales

Grout pumps are powered by compressed oil or compressed air and have a large area ratio of oil cylinders or cylinders to grout cylinders, which allows them to generate higher injection pressure with less pressure. High quality grout mixing and pumping equipment sales, also known as a grout station, grout mixer pump or grout device, is a combination of a mixer, agitator and grout pump in one plant. The special mixing effect of cement or bentonite with water is accumulated in the mixer by the high turbulence generated in the pump casing. This turbulence with high shear forces separates cement or bentonite particles, resulting in a fully hydrated suspension.

GGP400 / 80PL-E high quality grout mixing and pumping equipment is a combination of a mixer and a grout pump in one base frame. Primarily used in highways, railroads, hydraulics, construction, mining and other above-ground and underground construction, such as bentonite slurries and cement slurries. The high speed vortex mixer ensures quick and uniform mixing. Water, cement, or bentonite is quickly mixed into a uniform slurry. The grout pump then injects from the mixer drum. This ensures continuous mixing and grout injection operations. The out mixing and pumping equipment sales is driven by an electric motor. The grout pressure and displacement are adjustable. Compact size and easy to operate. It also occupies a small space.

The grout mixing and pumping equipment sales has advanced construction, high rated output pressure, large displacement, high efficiency, easy to move, use and maintain. Fully functional, you can inject one-component or two-component slurries. You can inject chemical slurries or other slurries such as cement. Each cylinder operates synchronously, the mixing ratio can be adjusted, and the mixing is uniform. In other cases, it can be used as an emulsion pump, hydraulic pump, etc. It is highly safe, flammable, explosive, can be used safely in places with high temperatures and large changes in humidity. The parameters can be adjusted according to the different needs of the customer. Meet the special requirements of different pressures, different flow rates and different transport media.

The high quality grout mixing and pumping equipment is an important piece of grout structure. The performance and quality of grout pumps play a decisive role in the safety, quality and efficiency of grout projects. If the choice of grout pump is blind and arbitrary, it will cost a higher price and may not achieve the expected results or may cause an engineering accident. It should be taken as a warning and scientifically improved.

The high quality grout mixing and pumping equipment has low energy consumption, low vibration, low noise, small size, high efficiency, stable and reliable performance, convenient pressure and flow rate adjustment, and long service life. We can set the maximum pressure of the pump. You can avoid unnecessary loss during grouting. In the grout method, the grout is pressed into cracks in the bedrock or soil layer with water pressure and buried to make it compact. New cracks occur during the grout injection process, and the grout pressure may change frequently. Grout pressure changes dramatically and dramatically.

If you are interested in the high quality grout mixing and pumping equipment sales, please contact us!



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